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Podcast Episode

77: Curiosity and Learning at Novartis – Simon Brown

April 26, 2021
51min 07sec
77: Curiosity and Learning at Novartis – Simon Brown
Learning Uncut Podcast Episode 77

Show Notes

Simon Brown, the Chief Learning Officer at Novartis, discusses how Novartis is creating a culture of curiosity, with a particular focus on the work of the learning and development team.  While the L&D team at Novartis is very big – 1,000 people globally serving a workforce of 110,000 – there is much that you can take away and adapt to an organisation of any size.

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Michelle Ockers
Your host

Michelle Ockers

An award-winning speaker, Michelle brings decades of learning and development experience as she interviews business leaders and learning professionals to uncover interesting stories, authentic conversations, and new insights.

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