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Podcast Episode

82: A Nudge-Led Learning Program – Graham Blaxell and Michael Tan

July 6, 2021
56min 49sec
82: A Nudge-Led Learning Program – Graham Blaxell and Michael Tan

Show Notes

Humm Group used a series of nudges in advance of a virtual workshop to improve the collaboration of their Finance team.  Graham Blaxell, the Humm L&D Leader is joined by Michael Tan form Elenta who partnered with them to create this program.  We explore how behavioural science has informed this nudge-led learning program.

  • Humm’s FinTech transformation over the past three years and implications for L&D team.
  • Michael’s steep learning curve about L&D, behavioural change and habit formation, informed by behavioural science.
  • The need to improve collaboration by the Finance team and the shortfalls of a previous workshop. What led Graham to nudges as a better solution.
  • What are nudges and how they differ from microlearning content.
  • Walking through the learner experience for this solution.
  • Using data provided by the learner and branching to personalise the learning experience.
  • How the Humm L&D team works differently to design, develop and support the use of nudges.
  • Tips for getting started with nudges.
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Michelle Ockers
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Michelle Ockers

An award-winning speaker, Michelle brings decades of learning and development experience as she interviews business leaders and learning professionals to uncover interesting stories, authentic conversations, and new insights.

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