eBook: Co-Create a Compelling Learning Strategy for an Evolving World
Adopt this tried and tested approach to co-create a strategy that truly taps into the different motivations of your stakeholders and fosters constant learning.
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Ask yourself: How might a human-centred, evidence-informed learning strategy help our organisation and people to stay ahead of the curve?
Read the must-have of a compelling learning strategy that builds agility and see real-life examples, brought to life with input from our clients.
Reach Out
We are offering you a free Learning Strategy Consultation with one of our experts for a taste of our approach and to gain actionable insights on improving your impact.
This moment requires agility – and L&D can lead the way . . . what is agility if not constant learning?’
- LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report 2023
It’s Time to Update Your Learning Strategy for an Evolving World
During the pandemic, L&D became more central, strategic, cross-functional – and overworked. L&D is under tremendous pressure to help solve bigger organisational programs while keeping up with the pace of change.
Build Your Organisation’s Agility
A compelling learning strategy created using an evidence-informed and human-centred design approach will be grounded in reality and ensure that:
- people are motivated to learn and engaged in constant learning
- learning is aligned to business goals and impact
- employee engagement, performance and innovation increase
- your organisation has the resilience and agility to adapt to change
This resource will:
- Delve into the must-have elements of a high-impact strategy
- Share real-life examples from a well-crafted strategy
- Alert you to common pitfall
- Introduce principles you can adopt to avoid these pitfalls
- Outline the four-stage L&D Strategy Builder™ process: Diagnose, Strategise, Implement and Sustain