Podcast Episode
14: Building a Community of Practice – Emelia Winter
14: Building a Community of Practice – Emelia Winter
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Show Notes
Communities of Practice are organised groups who engage in learning across a common interest and they can be a valuable resource to individuals for professional development or organisations as a source of knowledge and expertise.
Many CoPs are created on the premise that “if we build it, they will come,” but building is just the beginning. Emelia Winter talks to Learning Uncut about how she transitioned a Working Group into a Community of Practice for L&D Consultants at NSW Health. She shares her insights around what has made the community successful, the challenges in running and sustaining a CoP and the benefits it has had for both the members and the organisation.
Sli.do – Q&A and polling platform used during webinars
Article: The 90-9-1 Rule for Participation Inequality in Social Media and Online Communities by Jakob Nielsen
3 ways to measure the value of social learning in your business
Promoting and assessing value creation in communities and networks: a conceptual framework
Brief introduction to communities of practice

Your host
Michelle Ockers
An award-winning speaker, Michelle brings decades of learning and development experience as she interviews business leaders and learning professionals to uncover interesting stories, authentic conversations, and new insights.

Previous Podcast Episode
13: Co-Create Change with Experimental and Social Learning – Jem Mills
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