Podcast Episode
95: The secret sauce in Weber’s learning blend? Experience – Jane Calleja
95: The secret sauce in Weber’s learning blend? Experience – Jane Calleja
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Show Notes
Jane Calleja discusses how Weber develops the product knowledge and confidence of independent retailers to sell their range of barbecues. When covid limitations and travel restrictions made face-to-face workshops impossible they had to come up with a new approach to provide the critical elements of a product and flavour experience. In a period of skyrocketing demand in the homemaker segment in 2020 they achieved impressive participation levels in this optional program and successfully launched a new product category. Listen to hear all about this award-winning learning solution.
Jane Calleja LinkedIn profile
Weber Australian website
Redseed website – a partner in the development and delivery of the blended learning solution
Eventsair website – platform used as part of the Weber learning solution
Robert Cialdini - The 6 Principles of Influence (video)
Learning Uncut Episode 54: Low Budget, High Impact – Learning at Forty Winks – Debbie Key. Listen for another example of how to go about building relationships and identifying priorities when moving into a new role as an L&D leader

Your host
Michelle Ockers
An award-winning speaker, Michelle brings decades of learning and development experience as she interviews business leaders and learning professionals to uncover interesting stories, authentic conversations, and new insights.

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Elevate 18: Organisations Need L&D to Take Bold Action
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