Disruption Series: Supporting Learning in the Workplace – Charles Jennings and Vivian Heijnen

Show Notes
This episode is part of the Learning Uncut Disruption series. This pop-up daily series aims to equip learning professionals with practical guidance and tips to get started or scale up with practices needed as part of their organisational response to the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Charles Jennings and Vivian Heijnen discuss how learning can be supported in the workplace. The pressing need is for learning professionals to think, act and work closely with business stakeholders to help them solve business problems. This has always been the need – it’s just more critical now. They give steps, illustrated with real examples, to use a standard methodology to uncover key organisational challenges and design with learning in the workplace as a start point. Another critical role for learning professionals is to identify learning that is happening in the workplace (aka improved processes, faster innovation cycles) and transfer that to relevant others.

Michelle Ockers