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Emergent Series

Emergent Series: Working Out Loud – John Stepper & Katharina Krentz

Michelle Ockers
August 20, 2020
This episode is part of the Learning Uncut Emergent series where we talk about rapidly changing business models,…
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Emergent Series: Culture and Curiosity – Simon Brown and Nigel Paine

Michelle Ockers
August 18, 2020
This episode is part of the Learning Uncut Emergent series where we talk about rapidly changing business models,…
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Emergent Series: Accelerating Learning from Failure – Brian Murphy & Jeff Mariola

Michelle Ockers
August 6, 2020
This episode is part of the Learning Uncut Emergent series where we talk about rapidly changing business models,…
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Emergent Series: The Future of Physical Spaces for Work and Learning – Anne Bartlett-Bragg and David Shirley

Michelle Ockers
August 4, 2020
This episode is part of the Learning Uncut Emergent series where we talk about rapidly changing business models,…
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Emergent Series: How to Make the Business Case for Change –Lori Niles-Hofmann & Dave Buglass

Michelle Ockers
July 23, 2020
This episode is part of the Learning Uncut Emergent series where we talk about rapidly changing business models,…
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Emergent Series: The Social Currency of Communities – Julian Stodd & Rachel Happe

Michelle Ockers
July 21, 2020
This episode is part of the Learning Uncut Emergent series where we talk about rapidly changing business models,…
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